Irena and other JICA volunteers held a presentation here in Ndanda about the destruction brought about by the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. It was a great opportunity for me to take a look on their side of the history, so I didn’t let it passed. It was really interesting with the posters, pictures and film showing about the two places before and after the bombing. The Japanese girls clad in Kimono and the toys they bought are also a good way of introducing part of their culture to the Tanzanian secondary school students. The students however are keener on taking their pictures beside the women than actually looking around the auditorium where the information are pasted. There was a commotion outside while the film was being shown making it impossible to hear what is being shown in the small television. Plus other students milling around just for the hell of it while other were really interested and are asking proper questions. We learned how to do a giraffe out of two pieces of papers. The Japanese are really good on these. There is one picture there that really stuck to my mind. Its about Sadako, she was a survivor of the bombing but developed Leukemia as an after effect of the exposure to radiation. She folded 1000 paper cranes hoping that this would cure her illness. But it never did. Sadako is also the ghost in The Ring Movies. She never did Origami there but she brought chill to my spines until now, everytime I remember the movie. She is this girl with matted, greasy hair, dirty fingers and can’t even walk straight. I know another person which has the same attributes but she never as scary as Sadako
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